Barnett Offshore 47 Center Cockpit Cutter

US$129,000.00 (Approx €118,417) Prix en baisse
  • Bateau REF#  ·  330775
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  14.33m
  • Année  ·  1985
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Quillard
  • Couchettes  ·  5
  • Moteur  ·  1 x gasoil 72cv, Westerbeke (2004)
  • Visible à  ·  Poulsbo, WA USA - Shown by Appointment
Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Seattle
Gary Buck

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Tim Barnett
Chantier Barnett Offhore
Visible à Poulsbo, WA USA - Shown by Appointment
Capacité carburant 568.2 L Total - 4 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 681.8 L Total - 4 Cuve(s)
Capacité réservoir eaux noires 104.5 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)
Dernière expertise 24/09/2020


Moteur 1 x gasoil 72cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Westerbeke (2004)
Heures moteur moteur1= 750
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) 3 blade bronze
Consommation carburant (approx) 4.5 L /hr A vitesse de croisière
Vitesse de croisière 7 noeuds
Vitesse Max 9 noeuds
Heures de générateur 14
Pièces de rechange moteur

Many engine spares including injector pump, starter, solenoids, hoses, thermostats, alternator plus generator parts and emergency tiller arm.

Seller reports re-wiring, electrics panel, new heater and battery installation were done about 2013. Bow Thruster, sonar installed 2020. House (8) "Powerstride" Full River DC-400-6VDC 415 AH Type AGM. Start (2) 6VDC deep cycle AGM


Longeur hors tout 14.33m
LOD 14.33m
Bau 4.27m
Tirant d'eau Min 2.13m
Tirant d'eau Max 2.13m
Hauteur sous barrots 1.83m
Stationnement Marina


Grand voile à ris Schattauer Seattle - bôme enrouleur (2000)
Génois/foc Schattauer Seattle - Enrouleur (2000)
Equipement de Spi

Seller reports headsail is a
150% Genoa The main was replaced in 2000 when the furling boom was installed. The standing rigging appears to be in good condition. The seller reports it was replaced shortly before he bought the boat but has not had a survey done on it. The seller reports if he was going to take the boat offshore he would have it carefully examined and potentially renew some pieces. There are also some random sails including spinnaker in storage.

Systèmes électriques

12 / 24 batterie volts, 110 générateur de volt, 110 tension d'alimentation à quai, 10 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, éolienne, panneaux solaires, prise de quai, groupe électrogène


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Quillard
Finition Gelcoat finition

As reported by the seller the hull is vacuum bagged unidirectional "S" glass fiber and "E" glass over Baltic balsa core with an aluminum space frame grid glassed into the hull for exceptional strength and unitized framing for the mast, engine, keel and standing rigging.

A recent note from the designer Tim Barnett calls the integral frame an "H" frame tying all keel, engine and rig loads. Also the balsa core is in hull and decks.

This vessel is of the center cockpit auxiliary cutter rigged configuration with clipper entry, round underbody, fin keel, spade rudder and raked transom.

The water tanks were replaced about 15 years ago with new SS tanks. These are fed from a Sea Recovery 25 gallon per hour water maker when offshore. Also the holding tank was replaced with a Vacu-Flush System holding 23 gallons

The four aluminum fuel tanks were pulled and replaced with three fiberglass, gel coated tanks plus the "under the stair tank" giving a total of about 125 gallons.

Remarks from September 2020 Haul out and Survey; External hull above waterline: Newly painted fiberglass in good condition. External hull below waterline: No evidence of grounding, blisters or delamination. Newly applied anti-fouling paint and anodes. No damage to rudder, keel propeller or propeller shaft.

During this haul-out PSS dripless shaft seal replaced, new sonar depth sounding unit and thru-hull fitting, topsides painted, two coats anti-fouling paint applied to bottom.

Waterline Boats / Boatshed does not independently verify capacities and measures, which are reported from seller-provided information and/or literature.


Nombre total de couchages 5
Nombre de lits doubles 1
Nombre de lits simples 3
Cabines 2
Lavabo 2
Douche 1
Toilettes 2 Toilettes (Chasse d'eau sous vide)

One head is manual and one is Vacu-Flush.
The interior is expertly finished in matching teak with Kauri ceiling and a teak and holly sole. Abundant storage is built into every conceivable nook.

The interior has been beautifully converted to a comfortable live-aboard configuration from the original layout. Berths in the salon have been turned into nice book shelves and the forward cabin is now a garage with tools and a vise plus a washer/dryer.
The layout is center cockpit, large aft cabin with two berths, one a twin and one a single. The passageway fore and aft on the port side gives large access to the engine. That same passageway on the starboard side is the aft head and shower. The galley is an "L" shape on the starboard. Forward is a lovely and comfortable settee and table. Ahead of that is a second head to starboard and the forward cabin has lots of storage being used today like a garage and utility room.
Vacu-flush aft head with Raritan manual forward head.

Cabin heat is Wabasto Airtop 5000 Diesel installed with new ducting.

3 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude
Pompe eau de mer de pont
Four à micro-ondes
Machine à laver

One head is manual and one is Vacu-Flush.
The interior is expertly finished in matching teak with Kauri ceiling and a teak and holly sole. Abundant storage is built into every conceivable nook.

The interior has been beautifully converted to a comfortable live-aboard configuration from the original layout. Berths in the salon have been turned into nice book shelves and the forward cabin is now a garage with tools and a vise plus a washer/dryer.
The layout is center cockpit, large aft cabin with two berths, one a twin and one a single. The passageway fore and aft on the port side gives large access to the engine. That same passageway on the starboard side is the aft head and shower. The galley is an "L" shape on the starboard. Forward is a lovely and comfortable settee and table. Ahead of that is a second head to starboard and the forward cabin has lots of storage being used today like a garage and utility room.
Vacu-flush aft head with Raritan manual forward head.

Cabin heat is Wabasto Airtop 5000 Diesel installed with new ducting.

3 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Taud de bôme
Taud de cockpit
Parre battages
Couvertures d'instruments
Taud de cockpit complet
Propulseur d'étrave

4 winch(s) de drisse
5 winch(s) d'écoute
électrique Nilsson guindeau
1 ancre(s)
91.44m de chaîne
45.72m de bout
Avon annexe ()
15CV hors-bord, Tahotsu (2021)
Primary anchor is Bruce 110 LB. SS Danforth type at stern. Fortress FX 23 spare.

Seller reports The windlass is a Nilsson H 3000 Horizontal power winch from N.Z. It has worked without fault and can easily lift 300’ of chain and a 120 lb. anchor.

Equipement de Navigation

Pilote automatique
Feux de navigation
Radar reflecteur

Garmin 18" Radar Antenna with 12" Radar and Chart Plotting Screen. Garmin forward looking sonar and chart plotting with 7" screen. Yacht thruster external thruster remote control on steering pedestal. Single Side Band Icomm 150, VHF (2) Icomm M-710. Aging Auto-Pilot replaced with Garmin Class B reactor 40 Core-Pac retrofit linear drive heavy duty unit with remote.

Radar, Auto-pilot, Chart Plotter and new Dodger / Bimini are less than 2 years old.

Equipement de Sécurité

Carbon Monoxide detector
Gilets de sauvetage
Harnais de sécurité
Balise satellite 406MHz
MOB Système
Barre de secours

4 pompes de cale (0 manuel / 4 électrique)

Audible Bilge High Water Alarm-Yes

Commentaires du Broker

This Barnett Offshore 47 was designed in Seattle and built in New Zealand. Today's owner (24) years has used it as a cruising and "live-aboard" style boat. She is a South Pacific veteran.

When her current owner bought her in 2000 he extensively upgraded the boat. It's been re-powered, all kinds of systems added and re-upholstered inside. Her main sail is now in a Leisure Furl Boom system. She sports a bow thruster to easily manage her in and around marinas. Kiss Air wind generator, Panda diesel generator and solar panels keep the batteries up. A Splendide washer / dryer in the forward cabin makes keeping up with clean clothes a snap.

All her navigation electronics have been updated. In a survey three years ago she was described as a powerful ocean going sailboat in the hands of an experienced and capable owner.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un bateau, qu'il soit neuf ou d'occasion, ils sont destinés à donner une description juste du navire mais ne sont pas garantis comme exacts ou complets. Ils ne feront partie d'aucune offre ou contrat de vente du navire. Il est recommandé à l'acheteur potentiel de vérifier indépendamment les détails et le navire. Le vendeur ne vend pas dans le cadre d'une entreprise, sauf indication contraire. Les biens personnels sont exclus de la vente du navire à moins qu'ils ne soient spécifiquement inclus dans les spécifications d'inscription ci-dessus ou dans un contrat d'achat. Les biens personnels peuvent être des équipements ou des engins qui ne sont pas fixés en permanence au navire, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter : des œuvres d'art, du matériel de divertissement, du matériel de pêche, des récepteurs de télévision, du matériel de loisirs, des kayaks, des outils et des appareils personnels. Les photos qui peuvent accessoirement représenter les biens personnels des propriétaires ne signifient pas que ces articles sont inclus dans la vente du navire à moins que ces articles ne soient spécifiquement énumérés ici. À tout moment, lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un nouveau bateau et/ou un nouveau bateau à fournir/construire par un constructeur/fabricant, ou un bateau à affréter, via notre introduction, nous ne garantissons ni n'assumons la responsabilité de l'exactitude ou la fiabilité de toute information fournie par des sociétés tierces à cet égard, y compris, sans s'y limiter, les nouveaux constructeurs/constructeurs de bateaux, les sociétés de charter et/ou les sociétés/entreprises qui sont des « Amis de Boatshed ». Nous ne serons pas responsables de, ou partie à, toute transaction, contrat ou accord entre vous et ces tiers fournisseurs de produits ou services et il vous incombe de vérifier ces détails directement auprès de ces entités et de conclure un contrat avec elles à votre seule discrétion. discrétion et selon des conditions que vous acceptez.